
Notes from our DWebCamp session imagining the future of open social networking

By Johannes Ernst


At this year’s, DWebCamp, my friend and collaborator Kaliya aka IdentityWoman and I ran a session titled:

“Envisioning the future: what if a single, decentralized, interoperable, open social network indeed emerges and wins over the proprietary platforms?”

We did something that, at least for me, was new. We started with:

  • Assume it has happened. We have won. Like on page 1 of a sci-fi story, you wake up in the morning one day and the world you want is has suddenly arrived.
  • At least 4 billion people interact with each other socially on an open, decentralized social network. All of the proprietary platforms have much smaller user numbers or have disappeared entirely; they have stopped mattering.
  • Out of scope: how we get there, or which specific products/standards/technologies are being used.

We asked the question: “Describe what you see”. People who came to our session had a few minutes to meditate on that question, and then wrote down their thoughts, one at a time, on some stickies. They then announced what they wrote and put it on a big sheet of paper. Below is the electronic version of this paper (minus some items which I could not manage to decipher when transcribing):

Community focused and developed by the community
Hate free zone
Accessible resources (open source) for development by anyone
Message flows automatically (I don’t have to decide who are the recipients)
biofi.earth for decentralized technology
Not harmfully powered
Access to all medical data. Do I want all measurements? Which doctor may see what? How do I manage that?
Serependipity / surprise me
Anti-filter bubble
Multi-modal “of one universe”
Everything is forkable (in the open-source sense)
Everything is fully transparent
Attention management / needs to manage
Personal and collective sense-making bubble
Stigmergy / people marking
How to make the network safe?
“Netflix”-like subscription for all: distributed to builders / operators
New funding models for open source
Cooperative Attention Economy
Fed by opt-in-able data sets
Ability to opt-in/opt-out
Personal digital exoskeleton / voice-centric
Not one systems. Highly fragmented (needs are specific)
A shared collaborative universe, not just “apps”
Social “digital twin” objects
Who you are is what you consume: food and information
Photo gallery
If it isn’t worth looking at for at least 10 seconds, it isn’t worth any time at all
Tap to dive in, call, play, study / zoom out to explore and connect
Profile: Skills Expanse Reviews Map Faves Music
Corporate news is dead, replaced by emergent editorial boards
Threats community mapping / fear

What surprised me most is that there were so many comments that wanted to have a single “social universe” into which various apps and screens and voice are “windows”", rather than a single app. That’s very close to the original vision for the world-wide-web, and one that we’ve largely lost with all the apps we are using every day. But perhaps we can get it back?

Addition 2024-08-17: two more, which I don’t know how to transcribe.